
How to obtain a Digital Nomad Visa in Spain

Life in Spain
There have been many ways to move to sunny Spain, and as of April 1, 2023, there is one more option – the Digital Nomad visa. This is, so to speak, a lucky ticket for those who work remotely. With this document, you can legally reside in Spain, together with your family.

And since freelance work has become especially popular, there are many people who want to apply for a Digital Nomad visa. Here we have gathered the most complete and up-to-date information on what is needed to obtain the visa in 2023 and how to expedite the process.

Can I apply for a Digital Nomad Visa online?

We know you're used to doing everything online, but you can't get a Digital Nomad visa remotely. You must apply for it in person and on the territory of Spain. The optimal option is to obtain a tourist visa to any Schengen zone country, come to Spain, and submit the documents for a Digital Nomad visa.


You will need to confirm your entry by showing a stamp in your passport, your tickets, or a declaration of entry.

Do I need a Spanish tourist visa, or can I obtain a visa from another country?

For moving to Spain, you need a valid visa from any Schengen Area country. You can apply for a German, Italian, Latvian, Czech visa, or any of the 27 Schengen Agreement countries. After that, you can legally stay in Spain with this document.

How long should my tourist visa be valid to apply for a Digital Nomad Visa?

In this case, it is not necessary to have 30 days remaining on your tourist visa. This residence falls under the law for investors, and they can apply for a residence permit even if there are only 3 days left on their tourist visa. However, it is recommended to submit the documents in advance, as the application process can take up to 20 days.


From the moment you request the change of status, you can stay in the country legally. And even if you are denied and then appeal, you can still be in the country on legal grounds.

How long is a Digital Nomad Visa valid for?

Currently, the maximum duration of the Digital Nomad visa, including extension, is 3 years. The exact period for which you can stay depends on the duration of the contract signed with your employer. For many people, their contracts are renewed annually. So, you will need to show the old contracts with the same employer, proof of salary and payments received for the past 3 months, as well as a new one-year contract. With this contract, you can obtain a Digital Nomad visa valid for one year.

Where do I need to work to obtain a Digital Nomad Visa?

If you are a remote employee, you must work for one employer in a foreign country. If you are a hired specialist, you are allowed to have contracts with multiple employers in multiple countries. Including a client in Spain, but you cannot receive more than 20% of your total income from a Spanish client.

Important conditions:

  • You must have worked in this position for at least 3 months
  • The employer must have been registered for at least 1 year
  • Your total work experience in the specified position must be at least 3 years, or you must have a corresponding education


Add your CV to your documents to show your entire professional career path.

How to apply for a Digital Nomad Visa if I am a private entrepreneur or an employee

If you are a private entrepreneur, it is sufficient for you to register with the Social Security service (Seguridad Social – SS) in Spain and then pay taxes, make contributions to the SS, and work for your foreign employer while living in Spain.

If you are an employee, further actions depend on the country where you work. Spain has a ‘convenio,’ an agreement on recognition of mutual social security, with 30 countries. If you reside in one of these countries, it is sufficient for you to request a corresponding document and purchase a private insurance policy. However, if your country is not on this list, then your employer must register with the Social Security service in Spain and pay all contributions for you. After all, if you break your finger from pressing the keys too hard, someone has to pay for your treatment.


In Spain, employees’ rights are strictly observed, so all payments must be made by someone, whether it's employees themselves or their employers.
Can I change my place of work?

If you are in another country and your employer does not want to register you, no problem – you can switch from a labor contract to a civil law contract. You will need to register as an entrepreneur and continue working for the same employer in a new format. But keep in mind two things. You will be able to apply for a Digital Nomad visa only in 3 months after that. And your employment history will be interrupted, which may be an issue for you when you return.
Who can apply for a Digital Nomad Visa?

What really matters is not what services you provide, but how and who you provide them to. To apply for the visa, you must work only with legal entities. If you receive payment for services from individuals, for example for English lessons or psychological consultations, this is not a basis for obtaining a Digital Nomad visa.

Another example, selling kettles to individuals via Amazon. Even if you sell 100 kettles a day, if you do not have stable contractual relations with legal entities, you have no evidence of regular income. But if you, for example, regularly supply 100 kettles to a company under a contract, that's a different story. In this case, you can apply for a Digital Nomad visa.

Digital Nomad Visa in Spain: Income

How much do you need to earn to apply for the Digital Nomad visa?

As of 2023, your monthly income must be at least two times the minimum monthly wage in Spain. This is approximately 2,400 euros per month or 30,000 euros per year (gross).

If you want to bring your family, the numbers are as follows:

75% of the annual minimum wage (Salario Mínimo Interprofesional – SMI) for the first family member, which is about 11,000 euros per year

25% for each additional family member, for example, children

Thus, for a family of three, you need to show an annual income of approximately 43,000-45,000 euros (gross). This is about 4,000 euros per month for the entire family, which is a sufficient amount for a comfortable living in Spain.

Older family members of a digital nomad receive a residence permit with the right to work for the same period as the main applicant. We recommend applying for visas for other family members only after the main applicant has been approved. Do not submit applications for everyone at the same time. When the main applicant is approved, visas for their family are approved in 80% of cases.


This is the same 400 IPREM* that Spain requires for other types of residence, for example, a residence permit without the right to work.

*The Indicador Público de Renta de Efectos Múltiples (IPREM) is an index used in Spain as a benchmark for the provision of aid, subsidies, unemployment benefits, etc.

List of documents for a Digital Nomad Visa application

Perhaps the most difficult stage of the process is collecting the documents. Below is a current list of documents for 2023:

  • Employment contracts (current and previous)
  • Registration documents of your employer
  • Proof of financial status
  • Diploma of higher education
  • Certificate of no criminal record
  • Forms and fees
  • CV
  • Documents confirming the availability of social insurance
  • Documents of all family members relocating with you
  • Private insurance
  • Registration at the place of residence (optional, but possible)

All documents must be translated into Spanish, even if they are in English. The applications are reviewed by the authorities in Madrid.
How to confirm your qualifications

Not every freelancer can apply for this visa. A digital nomad is, at the very least, a person with a specialized education or work experience in a specified field for at least 3 years. In other words, Spanish authorities reviewing your application must understand that you are a highly qualified specialist with significant experience, a reliable employer, and a stable income. Obviously, it is beneficial for the country for you to live there and pay taxes.

What should be written in your employment contract?

The employment contract is your main document when applying for a Digital Nomad visa in Spain. It should clearly state what your position is, what job you are performing, for how long, what your salary is, and who you work for. It is also important that your employer approves your relocation and confirms that you can fulfill all your duties remotely.


The job title, your education, and the employment contract should be easy to understand when translated into Spanish.

Digital Nomad Visa: Taxes

In short, you will have to pay taxes both in your country and in Spain. Why? In some way or another, you pay taxes as a citizen in your country. But when you have a Spanish residence with a valid work permit, and you work from the territory of Spain, you are required to pay taxes here as well. Yes, on one hand, it may result in a considerable amount, but on the other hand, it ensures stability and avoids problems.

As for tax residents, the rates for them are calculated based on the fiscal year, not the term of their work permit. The rates are:

  • Income up to €12,450 per year – tax rate of 19%
  • Income from €12,450 to €20,200 – tax rate of 24%
  • Income from €20,200 to €35,200 – tax rate of 30%
  • Income from €35,200 to €60,000 – tax rate of 37%
  • Income from €60,000 or more – tax rate of 45%

We advise you to pay taxes on time and in full to enjoy life in Spain without worries. Otherwise, instead of a calm and comfortable life, you will have to deal with fines, legal misunderstandings, and a refusal to extend your residence permit. We're sure you don't want that at all.

How to extend your Digital Nomad Visa

So, you've got your residence, all taxes are paid, and you and your family are happily living in Spain. Trust us, the first year will fly by unnoticed, and you'll definitely wish to extend this fairy tale. Here's how to do it.

If initially you got a three-year residence, you can extend it for another 2 years, and then apply for a permanent residence permit (with the right to work in Spain). Thus, you will be able to work anywhere, including for Spanish employers or provide services to Spanish clients without restrictions. Then, after another 5 years of permanent residence, having lived in Spain for a total of 10 years, you will be able to apply for Spanish citizenship.

As a digital nomad, you must reside in Spain for more than 183 days per year to renew your visa. And Spanish citizenship is only granted to those who have lived in the country for an extended period, speak Spanish well, and can pass a sociocultural exam.

How to obtain a Digital Nomad Visa in a short period of time

At first glance, everything seems clear, but without knowledge of the language and legal nuances of the country, the task becomes more complicated. Furthermore, the Spanish bureaucracy knows no boundaries. But don't panic, we will take care of the entire document processing. So, you can get a Digital Nomad visa to Spain without any trouble or stress.

Our company's specialists speak several languages, including English and Spanish, know the right approach to Spanish bureaucracy, and most importantly, they know how to help you get your visa in the shortest possible time. For example, our cli

ent's application for a Digital Nomad visa was recently approved within 5 days. Besides, we have specialized translators, so all your documents will be translated exactly as required by the authorities.

We provide a comprehensive turnkey service, starting from the initial consultation and finishing with the long-awaited visa. So don't be intimidated by Spanish laws and other difficulties because you have the whole team of professional assistants on your side. Sign up for a free consultation to find out the cost of this service and everything it includes.