Dreamlife Startup Award
How to Find Investments for Your Startup in Barcelona?
What are my chances of moving to Spain?
Fill out the form and wait for a call from Dreamlife. We will clarify important details to offer a solution.

How to Find Investments for Your Startup in Barcelona?

In one step: at the Dreamlife Startup Award ceremony, which we will hold on November 30.

We believe in the power of the entrepreneurial community and understand the importance of networking and an outside perspective. That's why we decided to bring together ideas and their creators – to introduce startup owners to investors and local businesspersons.

Dreamlife Startup Award is:

  • A supportive environment of like-minded individuals whose contacts and resources will refresh your project's perspective;
  • An opportunity to present your idea and startup to industry experts;
  • Networking with all its benefits: from access to potential investors and mentors to valuable feedback to help develop your business idea;
  • The opportunity to win awards, find colleagues and mentors, and become part of the emerging entrepreneurial ecosystem in Barcelona.

From a business idea to a real startup – it's just one application:

— Share your idea and business vision by filling out the Google Form
— Done! We will select the best applications and send invitations to the pitching event. All you have to do is prepare your pitch and mark the date on your calendar.

Who will benefit from Dreamlife Startup Award?

— Potential startups with ideas in need of investments;
— Businesspersons interested in the Spanish and European markets, local projects in Barcelona;
— Entrepreneurs looking for new resources and capital;
— Expats seeking their place in a new business environment.
The top three ideas will receive a valuable personal prize from the Dreamlife team.
We always support those who dare to think globally and are ready to share innovative ideas. This time is no exception.
Register and join us – for networking and immersion in the Barcelona business community.
Dreamlife Spain, Av. Diagonal, 416, 08037 Barcelona
November 30, 19:00
Do you have any questions left?
Fill out the form, it will take no more than 3 minutes, and we will contact you. We will clarify important details to offer a solution.